Tamara Gotlib. Posts.

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September 4, 2017

Do I Really Need To Move My Site To HTTPS?

Many website owners have recently received a message in their Google Search Console warning that from October 2017, chrome will start to alert users visiting non-HTTPS sites that the web-page they are viewing is ‘Not Secure’. This latest announcement shouldn’t come as a shock, as Google has time and time again promoted its mission to […]

May 22, 2017

New Course for Digital Agencies: AdWords Scripts

On February 5th, 2017, 28 participants successfully completed the AdWords Scripts Course- the first course of its kind to be held by Google globally. Continuing Google Israel’s efforts to advance the proficiency and capabilities of Israeli digital marketers, Seperia College is proud to have partnered with Google to present this course to marketing professionals from […]

May 10, 2016

New & Unique Marketing Packages for Online Trading Brokers

Meet Seperia at the upcoming iFX EXPO and Finance Magnates TLV Conference to hear more about our new packages designed to fulfill the unique objectives of online trading brokerages.   Are you attracting a great deal of new traffic to your site, but find many traders who register drop out of the conversion funnel without […]

February 29, 2016

Give Your B2B Marketing a Boost with these 5 Digital Channels

Oftentimes, B2B organizations are skeptical about allocating significant budgets to their online marketing activity.  When it comes to advertising online, B2B marketers are faced with quite different challenges to their B2C counterparts. Typically, the B2B conversion cycle is much longer, leading to an increased difficulty in measuring and attributing the investment in online channels to […]

November 10, 2015

Introducing Seperia College’s New Digital Marketing 360 Course

Are you a marketing professional with a world of experience in the offline arena but know little about the opportunities online marketing presents? Are you a CEO or business manager wanting to expose your brand to the world, but don’t know yet how to build a successful marketing strategy? Or you want to employ a […]

October 20, 2015

Meet Seperia at the Finance Magnates London Fintech Summit

During October and November, Seperia is excited to be attending, exhibiting and presenting at two major industry conferences in Europe. As a full-solution digital marketing company, Seperia offers high quality traffic for fintech and financial trading verticals. Come meet us at the Finance Magnates Fintech Summit to learn more about our services and what we have to […]

September 7, 2015

A Quick Guide to Enhancing Your Search Results on Google

Check out our Quick Guide to Enhancing Your Search Results on Google, which touches on the range of options available for boosting your brand’s online presence. When the right tactics are used, both organic and paid search results can benefit from better visibility in the SERPs, which translates into increased awareness and in turn, conversions […]

July 15, 2015

Seminar Recap: How to Maximize your Presence on the Google SERP (Organic Results)

To say Google- and its search engine result pages (SERPs) have come a long way since the classic 10 blue links is an understatement. Where it used to be just about how to rank in the top 10 (and therefore get the most clicks), today there are vast opportunities for enhancing your brand’s listing on […]

July 15, 2015

Seminar Recap: How to Maximize your Presence on the Google SERP (Ads)

Continued from ‘How to Maximize your Presence on the Google SERP’ Part 1. When it comes to paid results, we also have a range of options to enhance brand presence and capitalize on establishing prime positions on the SERP. Ad Extensions enable you to capture more ad space on the SERP whilst standing out from your […]

April 19, 2015

Seminar Recap: Empowering Remarketing with Google Analytics

Did you know approximately 98% of your website’s users will visit your site without actually converting? You can wait for those users to revisit your site, maybe via a google search or direct visit, or you could encourage them to return sooner via a highly targeted and relevant advert, based on their previous activity on […]